4004R Suppression Release Panel

The Autocall 4004R conventional fire alarm control panel is designed specifically for suppression release operation. It enables you to select and program a variety of releasing sequences directly from the panel without the need for an off-line programming tool. Its two-hazard releasing system can be programmed to provide an agent release for one hazard and pre-action or deluge for the other, giving a high degree of flexibility and protection.


  • Features include: four initiating device circuits (IDCs); two notification appliance circuits (NACs); two releasing appliance circuits (RACs); two special purpose monitor inputs (SPMs) that accept manual release request and manual abort request for Agent Release systems, and waterflow and supervisory for Pre-action or Deluge systems.
  • Panel supports four release modes.
  • A 50-point historical log allows you to investigate the cause of a release after the event.
  • System enables flexible programming from the front panel or from a PC.

Technical Publications
